State Representative Monroe Nichols, candidate for Tulsa Mayor, released the following statement regarding the information released regarding abuse within the Tulsa County Family Center for Juvenile Justice (FCJJ).

As a parent, I find the disclosure of information regarding sex trafficking at FCJJ as nothing less than abhorrent. I have spent my career in the legislature authoring legislation to hold rapists and domestic abusers accountable, knowing this predatory culture exists at FCJJ is unconscionable. The system is broken, both the management and the elected leaders responsible for safeguarding our children who have allowed this to happen must be held accountable.
I stand with advocates and call for a full, independent investigation into the systematic problems that exist within FCJJ. This does not appear to be a case of one rogue employee, but a collective failure to protect vulnerable children in the care of the county. This situation demands the weight of a full review focused on protecting the children being housed within this facility and not the decision-makers who allowed this to happen.
About State Rep. Monroe Nichols:
Monroe Nichols has been a leading voice on education, healthcare, criminal justice reform, and economic growth. A four-term legislator, Nichols is an established leader in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and serves as the current chair of the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus. Nichols brings a wealth of experience from government, business, higher-education, and non-profit sectors. Nichols has been recognized with numerous awards for his public service. As mayor, Monroe will work tirelessly to end homelessness, invest in education, expand our economy, and ensure Tulsa is the safest big city in America.
Dana Walton, Campaign Manager
(307) 258-1825