“I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together for women in this state and override the governor’s misguided veto as soon as possible."
Tulsa, OK - State Representative and Tulsa mayoral candidate Monroe Nichols condemned Governor Stitt’s veto of SB 1470, which created the Oklahoma Survivors' Act and passed with broad bipartisan support.
The measure would have directed the court to consider physical, sexual or psychological abuse by a person’s intimate partner, family member or member of the household, the trafficker of the person, or other individual who used the person for financial gain when sentencing or accepting pleas from domestic violence survivors charged with a crime.

"In my eight years in office, I’ve rarely been more frustrated and confused by a governor’s veto," Rep. Nichols stated. "SB 1470 was the result of two years of advocacy by domestic violence victims and service providers, human trafficking shelters, lawyers for survivors of abuse and directly impacted survivors. It passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the legislature.”
Noting that Oklahoma is number one in the country for domestic violence, and third in the number of women killed by a partner, Nichols stated “this veto could be unintentionally seen as a win for domestic abusers and human traffickers. I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together for women in this state and override the governor’s misguided veto as soon as possible.”
About State Rep. Monroe Nichols:
Monroe Nichols has been a leading voice on education, healthcare, criminal justice reform, and economic growth. A four-term legislator, Nichols is an established leader in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and serves as the current chair of the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus. Nichols brings a wealth of experience from government, business, higher-education, and non-profit sectors. Nichols has been recognized with numerous awards for his public service. As mayor, Monroe will work tirelessly to end homelessness, invest in education, expand our economy, and ensure Tulsa is the safest big city in America.
Monroe Nichols
(918) 720-5271